
Keeping a healthy environment

Part 1 in tips for keeping your home clean in a way that is kind to the environment and healthy for the inhabitants of the home.

Green Clean: To be enviro friendly, avoid adverse health reactions, such as asthma and breathing problems, and save money, there are just a few basic products you need to clean most household surfaces:

  • white vinegar  
  • bicarb soda  
  • an old tooth brush  
  • cleaning cloths of your choice
    Of course I always love to use tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil as a fragrance.
Why not create your own  Home Cleaning Kit in a bucket with a plastic handle that you can take from room to room as you clean?


  1. Love this green clean segment and looking forward to next post

  2. earth sky sea childJuly 8, 2012 at 6:03 AM

    Thanks for the encouragement Georgie
